Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Special Interview with Larry Schultz

Special Interview with Larry Schultz
[Interview from Yoga Journal Thailand given in Marsh 2010]

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's Yoga History

The first It’s Yoga school opened in San Francisco in 1989 to teach Ashtanga Yoga in the tradition of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois of Mysore, India. Larry Schultz, the founder of It’s Yoga, practiced yoga for over 3o years and was the first to develop one of the most progressive and challenging routines based on the first 3 series of classical Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. Born during his time teaching yoga to the Grateful Dead during 1990-1994, “The Rocket,” his signature practice brought the advanced poses of Ashtanga to beginners allowing for modifications and shifting the philosophy that one pose had to be completed perfectly before the next was given. His style was based on the fact that we were Westerns practicing an Eastern Science, through a Western perspective, so the practice had to be fun and accessible to beginners, while having the power to download the benefits of this ancient and health-enhancing practice.  This vibrant routine is called the “Rocket” because, “it gets you there faster.”The Rocket is designed to wake up the nervous system and feed it the precious prana it craves while promoting a spirit of change and freedom in the practice.

A dynamic series of postures that flow one into another, Ashtanga Yoga provides a high energy experience whose therapeutic effects align and purify the body. Ashtanga yoga is dynamic and aerobic. By synchronizing movement with the breath, this ancient system of yoga arouses the inner fire to cleanse and strengthen the body. Ashtanga yoga’s great strength focuses on correct breathing. It oxygenates the blood, helping circulation and bringing more blood to the brain to maximize clear thinking and full creativity. Ashtanga yoga’s most favorable aspect is its capacity to de-stress and reshape the body, counteracting the aging process. The practice induces the elimination of toxins and purifies the body. It serves as a path to health, flexibility, strength, and balance through concentration.
All It’s Yoga schools and Affiliate studios feature the It’s Yoga System, which provides a different routine for each day, Sunday – beginning the week with the Primary Series,  through Friday, ending the week with the “Happy Hour Class” or a “Rocket 3.”  The It’s Yoga System is based on the progressive Rocket Vinyasa Yoga Routines,  born of the It’s Yoga Philosophy.  The It’s Yoga System allows practitioners to see results within weeks and boasts an effective and approachable practice for everyone.
Full of back bending and spinal twisting, this uplifting sequence of postures has gained global recognition as a feel-good experience which opens the body and clears the mind. The Rocket breaks through areas of tension and energy blockage, combating tendencies towards stagnancy and resistance in the body. Frequent hand stands and arm balances keep the energy level high and encourage students to connect to their inner power and change their world view. The playful and upbeat Rocket routine is the perfect counter to the soothing forward bending of the Primary Series. As a part of a weekly schedule, this routine creates an energy peak in the cyclic rhythms of the practice.

Since Larry’s passing into “Maha Samadi” or absorbtion into the Universal Light, we are honored to continue to practice the Rocket Routines that he gifted the World.  They are fun and powerful, and inspire flight on the mat and in Life. His teaching have and continue to support us in using the power of Yoga to improve vitality and health, take responsibility for well being, and transform the quality of life.

Our community is young and strong, and we love to be together and play together.  As the It’s Yoga family grows, we invite you to participate in one of our workshops, trainings or retreats to experience this Western practice designed for modern practitioners.  Be a part of our History as we share the love of the practice and come together in peace and harmony.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Monday, April 2, 2012

AstaYoga - Miami Yoga Weekend Vacation with AstaYoga

Come to Miami Beach with us for an unforgettable weekend under the sun! We will be staying at The Standard Hotel and Spa for 4 days and 3 nights. The retreat includes: Room and Breakfast, Great Yoga Classes with AstaYoga, Full Access to The Standard Spa Facilities including Turkish Hamam, Aroma-Therapy Steam Room, Cedar Sauna, Infinity Pool and More!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Big Toe Posture - Padangusthasana

Larry Schultz forward fold grabbing toes in Big Toe Posture - Padangusthasana by Eric Broder Van Dyke
Big Toe Posture - Padangusthasana is a great pose for stretching out the legs, hips, and back muscles.
Class grabs big toes during a Forward Fold pose

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

It’s Yoga Puerto Rico

great place to practice!
“The It's Yoga philosophy is to share the love of the practice.” (Larry Schultz) It's Yoga Puerto Rico strive to create and provide a space for each individual practitioner to express and grow in their practice

Monday, February 27, 2012